Be your own superhero.

Superhero movies are always popular and lately abundant.  And the question is so often asked, why?  Is it because we as humans so often feel powerless?  We often imagine God or some magical comic book character coming along to “save the day” as if there were simple answers to complex issues that dog us at every turn.  But, if we knew what life was worth we would seek our Heaven on Earth.  Most research into art effecting life has show that art reflects life, not the other way around.  At best, the arts can inspire individuals.

My siblings and I would often stare into the sky as children.  I can’t help but think that we were (and still are) like babies in a crib looking for someone to come along and lift us up out of our miserable existence.  *sigh* But, it has become apparent in the last 30 years or so that no one is coming to save us.  We must become our own superheroes.

I have composed here an incomplete list of films that point in that direction.  Experimenting with a simpler, less youtube based format here, fo the sake of all the clutter.  As always, your comments and suggestions are welcome.

These guys are vigilantes at worst, mildly misguided philanthropists at best.  If you’re a voyeur who actually glances at reality TV or even mentions celeb gossip in passing you are bound to enjoy this actually unscripted still interesting documentary.

How about that rape scene?  I mean srsly Juno, why you gotta rape Dwight so hard?  that’s just wrong.  If that gave me an erection, what does it say about me?

Deepest role I’ve ever seen Woody play.  Couldn’t stop laughing at this very serious film that delves into the way archetypes are used to redefine situations so that ppl can understand them better, and how much can be misinterpreted within that process.

Most asian films get an absurdly high rating on IMDB because their countrymen vot them up for patriotism.  This one actually deserves it.

Alter Egos
As does this one.

Best propaganda of the 20th century.

The Message
Best propaganda of the 21st century, so far.

Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry
Ai Weiwei is the motherfucking truth y’all.

Life of Pi
First half is way too preachy and up its own ass.  Secound half redeems.

Beasts of the Southern Wild
Hushpuppy might be the greatest hero of them all.

Untold History of the United States

We’re all watching Homeland and The Walking Dead. But in case you haven’t noticed, I’m all about letting you, dear reader, know about interesting things you haven’t seen or heard of, yet.

Oliver Stone’s new project, The Untold History of the United States, is a ten hour long documentary about the history of these United States.  It’s not something that pretends to be anything else, and, that’s what i like most.  Expect to sit and hear Mr. Stone narrate over old black and white video and photos.  It’s kind of like how PBS or History channel used to be, in the before time long long ago.  It will only be as exciting as a great lecture on history can be, which I find extremely stimulating.

There is no 3D dinosaur killing robots.  No actors doing historical reenactment to make history more exciting.  If the story of the world being told by an old man in a way that makes people appear to be a little bit more complicated than two dimensional cardboard cutouts cannot hold your attention, then you are what is wrong with the world.

taco, out.


EDIT (11-22-12)

Some criticism of the series has surfaced.  I guess we can’t expect too much from the maker of such historically perfeck films as JFK or Natural Born Killers.  I’m still trying to watch the whole series anyway.  i like it.  noone seems to be capping and releasing it much but that’s sure to change.  i mean, they gotta release it on DVD and then that’s bound to get ripped, amiright? hope so…


So after six weeks of absence I’m back. got a lot of lists for posts started up but just haven’t gotten around to posting with like words and stuff.  Coffee has changed my perspective slightly. You know sometimes you try to strike up a conversation with strangers in public and shit just doesn’t go as well as you’d hoped.  I’m not sure if no one understands me because I’m fucked up or because they’re fucked up or if the whole society as a whole is the culprit.  Thought I’d throw some titles about it out here right quick.

ReGeneration (2010)

I am too awash in ennui to write anything.

Pink Ribbons, Inc. (2011)  We know almost nothing about cancer in general.  Cancer is a lot more complicated than people would like to think.  even detecting breast cancer and treating it may very well be shortening the lives of women as a whole, but is certainly shortening the lives of individuals in the population, which isn’t to say you shouldn’t get a mamogram, but is to say that life can’t be boiled down into a 30 second sound bite.  No one knows where ‘the cure’ will come from.  But, We do know that buying pink crap, and walking en mas will not help.

One Way to Valhalla (2009)

why do we live the lives that we do?  eating the same boring food.  taking the same drugs.  buing the same crap, that we just throw away.  days turn into decades.  still, the same meaningless goals take priority over our lives.  Then one day, BAM! head injury.

99 francs (2007)

Ahhhhh… cynical surrealism, how you comfort me so.

Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1992)

The far right and the far left have so much more in common than most people would admit.

Yo  holler back!  Have you been watching anything?  Or, just drawing and writing?  Somebody write a comment about this!  Recommend further watching and books and articles and shit.

Mass Effect 3 Extended

We’re Back.

The Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut is a downloadable content pack that will expand upon the events at the end of Mass Effect 3. Through additional cinematic sequences and epilogue scenes, the Extended Cut will include deeper insight to Commander Shepard’s journey based on player choices during the war against the Reapers. The Extended Cut will be available to download at no additional charge for Mass Effect 3 game owners starting on June 26 for PC and Xbox 360 customers worldwide. Playstation 3 customers in North America will be able to download the Extended Cut DLC on June 26 and the rest of the world on July 4.

– source[Mass Effect Blog]

This action by an established game studio is unprecedented.  Yes, other cross-platform games have been modified after the fact thanks to the always on connections consoles can have to the internet, but to rewrite and modify end-game material for Mass Effect 3 is a huge admission for a company that raised the bar so high with ME 1 and 2.  What prompted the re-write?


According to the FTC’s rules of the road for advertising and marketing on the Web, “advertising must tell the truth and not mislead consumers.”  A strong case was made to the BBB and after months of complaints the outraged fans have end-game DLC to show for it.  Below is a compilation of advertising misleads assembled by one disgruntled youtuber.

Bioware’s Reaction

From ME Facebook Page: March 19 at 12:12am

We are aware that there are concerns about a recent post from this account regarding the ending of the game. In this post it was stated that at this time we do not have plans to change the ending.

We would like to clarify that we are actively and seriously taking all player feedback into consideration and have ruled nothing out. At this time we are still collecting and considering your feedback and have not made a decision regarding requests to change the ending.

Your feedback and opinions are of the utmost importance to us. We apologize for any confusion this has caused. Our top priority regarding this discussion is to keep communication with you, our loyal fans, open and productive.

Additionally in a subsequent Facebook fan page posting:

Bioware will keep listening, because your insights and constructive feedback will help determine what that content should be. This is not the last you’ll hear of Commander Shepard.

– Mass Effect 3 director Casey Hudson

Looks like Mr. Hudson made good on his promise but the official ME FAQ wants to make some distinctions beforehand:

The Extended Cut is an expansion of the original endings to Mass Effect 3. It does not fundamentally change the endings, but rather it expands on the meaning of the original endings, and reveals greater detail on the impact of player decisions.

[Origin update here.]